Articles about Dentistry

Written by the specialists of Clínica Pronova

Erosión dental y sus causas explicadas por Clínica Pronova.
Dental esthetics

How to avoid tooth wear

Tooth wear is quite typical among elderly patients due to the daily use of teeth for mastication. However, some people present worn teeth from a younger age. This

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Dental esthetics

How long do veneers last?

Veneers are incredibly thin sheets of ceramic or resin that are permanently fixed onto the surface of the teeth to improve their shape, colour and

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Muelas del juicio y sus enigmas en Clínica Pronova.
Dental esthetics

The enigma of wisdom teeth

Since the beginning of time, humanity was assailed by one doubt: what are wisdom teeth good for? Teeth that usually erupt late, if they come through at

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