Do you want to know what intermaxillary elastics are for? At Pronova we explain everything you need to know about the different types of elastics.
Orthodontics aims to improve chewing function, occlusion and the appearance of the teeth. To achieve these results, each case is planned in different phases.
Intermaxillary elastics are rubber bands used to correct the patient’s bite and achieve better meshing. These elastic bands allow us to perform movements that we would not be able to do with the appliances themselves. If the elastics are placed in the correct position, bite problems can be solved.
The intermaxillary elastics will be used in any type of fixed orthodontic treatment (aesthetic, metal or lingual brackets) or removable with clear aligners such as Invisalign.
They are called intermaxillary elastics because they are placed between the two arches, upper and lower.
What are intermaxillary elastics used for?
Intermaxillary elastics are used to correct malocclusions and improve the meshing between teeth. That is, the upper and lower jaw fit together properly.
For example:
- Class II
The upper jaw is advanced with respect to the lower jaw. The use of elastics in this case will produce a retrusion of the upper segment and an advancement of the lower segment. - Class III
The lower teeth are set forward with respect to the upper teeth. With the elastics, we will achieve a protrusion of the upper zone and a retrusion of the lower zone. - Open bite
There is no contact between the upper and lower teeth. With the elastics, we will achieve the extrusion of the parts to achieve this contact.
In case of incorrect meshing between the teeth, the following situations may occur:
- Wear and tear of teeth
- Periodontal problems
- Headaches or jaw pains
- Digestive and swallowing problems because we do not grind our food well.
Types of rubber bands
The orthodontist will prescribe the type of elastics to be used depending on the needs of each patient.
We have different types of elastics according to their strength (mild, medium or severe) and length.
Elastics can be worn either at the beginning of the treatment, when it is necessary to make outward or inward movements (for example, a scissor bite where the upper posterior teeth occlude outside the lower teeth); or in the settling phase when the treatment is practically completed and the last movements are made to engage the teeth.
Time of use of elastics
The number of hours the elastics are worn will depend on each case.
In some patients, they are recommended only for sleeping, while in other cases they are recommended to be worn all day and only removed at mealtimes.
The elastics have a single use and therefore, once the patient removes them from his mouth, they must be thrown away and replaced with new ones.
How long do the elastics last?
There is no set time for the use of elastics, as this will depend on whether the patient’s malocclusion has been fully corrected. It is generally estimated to last between 3 and 6 months.
Compliance with the number of hours prescribed for each patient is essential to ensure the success of the treatment and to be able to complete it on schedule. Otherwise, treatment time may be extended, and you may have to wear braces or aligners for a longer period of time.