34% of Spaniards, one out of three, neglect their dental hygiene when they are away from home.
In fact, 21.7% say they never brush their teeth when they are not at home. These are conclusions drawn from the first study done in our country on oral health habits outside the home.
Dental hygiene outside the home
The study with an analysed sample of 1,500 people shows data demonstrating the lack of awareness of oral hygiene in many Spanish people. For example, although 74% recognize the importance of brushing their teeth after eating out, only 60% do it.
Concerning hygiene habits, 56% of respondents say they have with them the material for brushing teeth away from home, 27% leave it at work and 7.6% have it in their car. In the case of not having a brush, 41.6% believe that the most effective measure is sugarless gum, while 31% opt for an apple and 22% for rinsing their teeth with water.
The study also analysed other aspects related to oral health. For example, 47% indicate having suffered mouth or teeth problems in the last year, the most frequent being caries (51%).
Dr. Juan Carlos Llodra of the Spanish Dental Foundation, says that “if we look at the relationship between oral health problems and oral hygiene habits, we can confirm that those who have suffered problems during the last year match with them who spent less time brushing their teeth.” That demonstrates once again the importance of looking after teeth both inside and outside the home.