Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Specialists in the placement of dental implants in Palma de Mallorca.

Tooth loss affects not only esthetics, but also people's daily life. Therefore, in our clinic we have the best solution for this type of cases: dental implantology. This specialty of dentistry allows us to replace one or more missing teeth to restore a natural smile.

Real clinical cases

Before and after treatment

61-year-old patient who comes to our center with the intention of correcting the position of his teeth and improving the appearance of the smile. The patient had severe intractable periodontitis that required treatment of provisional fixed teeth in 1 day using dental implants. The treatment was carried out in 24 hours and after 3 months the definitive ceramic prostheses were placed.

Dental implants are artificial roots (micro-screw) made of titanium that we place inside the jawbone, to later fix new permanent teeth on them, with which we recover, in addition to functionality and chewing comfort, self-confidence.
Although among the treatment options for missing teeth are complete removable dentures (commonly known as dentures), dental implant treatment has more advantages associated with it and the results are more favorable in comparison.
Dental implants are the ideal option because they have many advantages.
  • The first and most important is that they are fixed prostheses, so the patient should not remove them from the mouth for cleaning.
  • In the same way, the firmness of the prosthesis allows chewing all kinds of food, so food is much more enjoyable.
  • Finally, patients with fixed prostheses on implants no longer have that insecurity of the prosthesis “escaping when speaking”.
In addition, today we have one more advantage, and that is that dental implants for everyone are a reality. Gone are the days when lack of bone was an inconvenience, and implants can now be placed in virtually any patient or any situation.
Approximately 10-20% of the population has atrophic maxillary bones, that is, with little bone to place implants. However, in recent years, techniques have been developed that make it possible to place dental implants even in extreme situations.
The use of bone grafts is a valid option to reconstruct the missing bone in order to anchor the dental implants to the bone. However, more modern techniques include zygomatic or pterygoid implants that are anchored to the base of the cheek bone and allow fixed teeth to be placed within a day.
At Clínica Pronova, we are continuously committed to science and technology in our treatments. Therefore, the first step is to assess the bone anatomy of the area where the dental implant is to be placed, by means of an extraoral scanner and, after the study, the surgery is programmed.
During surgery, we use minimally invasive computer-guided techniques assisted by a surgical microscope, which allows us to perform treatments without pain and with minimal postoperative discomfort for our patients. Thanks to the emergence of new technologies in dentistry, such as the dental microscope, which help the surgeon to increase his vision up to 10 times, we can reduce wounds and be more careful during implantology procedures.
In fact, Clínica Pronova was the first dental center in Mallorca to use this surgical microscope for the placement of fixed teeth. Thanks to him, the surgeries we perform are more precise and have high success rates, facilitating a more comfortable postoperative period for our patients.
The pain of a dental implant is directly related to the length of the wound and the time elapsed during the intervention. The 3D dental scanner is an essential diagnostic test that allows to have a more accurate idea of the bone anatomy where the implant is to be placed, so surgical wounds can be minimal and the intervention faster. All this favors a more tolerable and comfortable postoperative period.
On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that dental implants can be of different sizes and their choice depends on the space patients have for their placement and the amount of remaining jawbone. For this, there are different techniques in dental implantology in which we are specialists.
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Do you know which are the best dental implants? How long do they last?

We answer your questions so you can make the right decision with this practical guide to implant dentistry.

At Pronova we have a wide range of techniques available for implant placement


The placement of fixed teeth, 24 hours after dental implant placement, is possible in cases where the bone anatomy is favorable (bone width of 7 mm and bone height of 8 mm) as well as in cases where the maxillary bone is practically absent. Today this technique is reliable and minimally invasive, recommended for patients who want fixed teeth in one day.

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The lack of jawbone is no longer an obstacle for the placement of dental implants. At Clínica Pronova we have multiple techniques to regenerate the missing bone mass, thus making it possible to place fixed teeth on dental implants. As a reference clinic in these techniques, we offer reliable and lasting results to our patients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are three types of solutions for replacing teeth: removable prostheses; fixed prostheses or “dental bridges”; and dental implants fixed with a micro-screw without traumatizing the adjacent teeth.
Virtually all patients can benefit from the advantages of a dental implant thanks to the diversity of design, which can be divided by length, location, material and waiting time.
The advantages not only include the improvement in self-esteem or chewing, but also, as they are single prostheses, they do not hurt the adjacent teeth, as occurs with the use of other types of prostheses.
Minimally invasive microsurgery used for implant placement should be painless and postoperative discomfort should be mild/moderate, controllable with mild analgesics.
Rejection” is a problem that occurs in a maximum of 2% of dental implant treatments. However, this is not a correct term and we would like to explain its causes and debunk some myths.
Although in 91% of the cases, dental implants are a success, problems can arise such as: perimplantitis, a chronic and painless infection; breakage or loosening of the prosthesis and implant failure.
They can lead to an increased probability of implant failure, complications (infections, pain, discomfort, chewing problems) and an unsightly result with less durability.
Brush 3 times a day, including interdental brushes or dental floss and mouthwashes; attend annual professional maintenance sessions; avoid smoking; use an occlusal splint if you suffer from bruxism.