Articles about Dental health tips

Written by the specialists of Clínica Pronova

Erosión dental y sus causas explicadas por Clínica Pronova.
Dental esthetics

How to avoid tooth wear

Tooth wear is quite typical among elderly patients due to the daily use of teeth for mastication. However, some people present worn teeth from a younger age. This

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Efectos del tabaco en los dientes en Clínica Pronova
Dental esthetics

Smoking triggers periodontal risk

As demonstrated, tobacco is one of the major risk factors that influence the development of periodontitis, a disease that causes bone loss and receding gums. Therefore,

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Causas del bruxismo explicadas en Clínica Pronova.
Dental esthetics

Mindfulness to combat bruxism

Today, more than 60% of Spaniards suffer from bruxism in one form or another: daytime, nighttime or even both. Therefore, we can say that bruxism

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Cómo evitar el sangrado de encías en Clínica Pronova
Dental diseases

How to avoid bleeding gums

Gum problems are quite common among the population. In the majority of cases, these problems tend to be bleeding, inflammation or soreness: symptoms of periodontitis and gingivitis

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