As demonstrated, tobacco is one of the major risk factors that influence the development of periodontitis, a disease that causes bone loss and receding gums. Therefore, smokers are three times more likely to develop the disease than non-smokers. A curious fact causing the problem is that smokers tend to have fewer bleeding gums when brushing, due to the negative effect of nicotine on the vascularization of tissues. That means that, even with a much higher risk, smokers experience fewer warning signs and come to the consultation when bone loss is already well advanced.
Smoking and periodontal risk
It has also been found that smokers respond less well to treatment and periodontal disease progression is higher, although it is considerably reduced if they stop smoking. It is estimated that the failure of implant treatments in smokers may be twice the amount in non-smokers. Therefore, we know: if we consider the placement of implants, it is highly recommended to quit smoking.
And speaking of quitting, a report by the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom concludes that electronic cigarettes are a good tool to give up tobacco. They claim electronic cigarettes are not a gateway to smoking, they have a high success rate as an aid to quitting and have no major adverse long-term effects, unlike tobacco.