Dental Bone Regeneration

In Periodontic dental treatments, the need for dental Bone Regeneration is frequent. It consists of microsurgery to recover bone or bone tissue lost due to periodontitis. Below we present a case of bone regeneration successfully treated at our dental clinic in Palma de Mallorca. Periodontal disease causes bone and gum loss around the teeth. The bacteria that form the bacterial plaque release toxins that destroy this bone, which entails dental mobility and the risk of tooth loss.
Currently, we have biomaterials that stimulate the regeneration of lost bone around the roots, such as collagen membranes or proteins derived from the enamel matrix. In addition, bone regeneration techniques have advanced a lot in recent years, allowing bone quality to be increased and recovered, before it is necessary to place a dental implant. Through this treatment, dental bone reconstruction is achieved and the patient's dental health is improved.
Reconstrucción ósea dental, resultado final en Clínica Pronova.
Reconstrucción ósea dental antes del tratamiento en Clínica Pronova.

Before and after dental bone regeneration

Our patient comes to our center due to the presence of severe gum retraction in several upper teeth. Through the use of collagen sheets and growth factors we are able to stimulate the creation of bone and gum tissue in a satisfactory manner. It has been 6 years since this treatment and the patient is totally asymptomatic. Among our other clinical cases, we detail the treatment of patients who have needed dental implants with bone graft.

At Clínica Pronova, we offer different types of periodontal treatments.

If you have questions about your smile or oral health, don't hesitate any longer. Request your first complete and extensive visit