Dental cleaning

Daily dental hygiene is fundamental, but not infallible.

Deep dental cleaning or periodontal disinfection is a professional cosmetic dental treatment aimed at eliminating the bacteria found inside the gums that cause periodontitis, the oral disease that destroys the bone and gums surrounding the teeth. Deep dental cleaning is important because if it is not done, the bacteria accumulated inside the gums release toxins that destroy the bone that supports the teeth. This destruction is usually painless and imperceptible to the patient. The frequency of these deep dental cleanings depends on some factors such as, among others, the patient’s brushing efficiency and the patient’s predisposition to periodontitis.
Most patients require this treatment every 6-12 months, however those with severe periodontitis may require a frequency of 3-4 months. Deep dental cleaning should be performed by specialized hygienists who have the appropriate skills and knowledge to ensure a painless treatment and achieve proper efficacy in removing bacteria that have colonized the inside of the gums. Cleaning begins with an assessment of brushing efficiency, reviewing the brushing technique with the patient.
Next, we perform a clinical and radiographic examination of the gums and teeth to assess their condition. We try to detect caries and measure the depth of the periodontal pockets in the gums to rule out a periodontitis problem and then proceed with the deep cleaning.

Real clinical cases

Before and after treatment

65-year-old patient who comes to our center with the intention of improving the appearance of her teeth and achieving dental rejuvenation. The treatment consisted in the placement of ceramic dental veneers on her upper and lower teeth. The process was carried out over a period of 2 months and 6 visits.

Book your first visit

In your first visit we will make a rigorous examination of 1 hour, where we will do a dental and gum examination as well as conventional x-rays in order to offer you a complete diagnosis and service.

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Do you want to achieve a natural smile that matches your personality?

Learn how dental veneers are the ideal solution to transform your smile in this practical guide.

Gum Inflammation

Clínica Pronova has become a reference in the Balearic community in this type of techniques, offering reliable and lasting results to its patients.