Clinical case of child interceptive orthodontics: overbite

In children from 6 to 8 years old, it is common for the teeth to be out of position. In these cases, the use of removable orthodontic appliances is recommended, also called interceptive or maxillary orthopedics, which allows guiding the growth of the maxillary bones to prevent dental malposition from worsening and requiring more complex, expensive and long orthodontic treatment. in the youthful age. It is a treatment of 9-12 months with visits every month, which allow to correct these EARLY malpositions and improve the patient’s bite. In many cases, it is not necessary to carry out orthodontic treatment later in the youthful age.

Interceptive children's orthodontics: overbite before and after

We observed an 8-year-old patient who came to our center for presenting a severe overbite in which the lower teeth caused lesions on the palate. Through the use of removable dental or interceptive orthopedic appliances, it is possible to correct the overbite and recover the functional normality of your dentition.

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