Spaces between the teeth

The appearance of spaces between the teeth is due to reasons as varied as the loss of gums due to periodontitis (gum disease known as "pyorrhea") or the migration of teeth. These spaces reveal the dark background of the mouth and give rise to an aesthetic alteration of the smile.
The aesthetic problem can be solved either through orthodontic treatment to bring the teeth closer together or with the use of bonded veneers to hide the dark interdental spaces.
Espacio entre dientes después de tratamiento en Clínica Pronova.
Espacio entre dientes antes del tratamiento en Clínica Pronova.

Before and after treatment

46-year-old patient with spaces between the teeth. Through the placement of permanently adhered resin veneers, it is possible to eliminate the small "interdental dark triangles" between the pieces.

This case is based on a 26-year-old patient with spaces between the teeth. By means of orthodontics and the placement of permanently bonded resin veneers, the small “dark interdental triangles” between the teeth are eliminated. The appearance of spaces between teeth is due to reasons as varied as gum loss due to periodontitis (periodontal gum disease known as “pyorrhea”) or tooth migration. These spaces reveal the dark background of the mouth and result in an aesthetic alteration of the smile.
The esthetic problem can be solved by orthodontic treatment to bring the teeth closer together and close the space, solving the alignment problems or with the use of porcelain or resin veneers bonded to the tooth to hide the dark interdental spaces.

At Clínica Pronova, we offer different types of aesthetic dental treatments.

If you have questions about your smile or oral health, don't hesitate any longer. Request your first complete and extensive visit

The appearance of spaces between the teeth is due to reasons as varied as the loss of gums due to periodontitis (gum disease known as “pyorrhea”) or the migration of teeth.
The appearance of spaces between the teeth is due to reasons as varied as the loss of gums due to periodontitis (gum disease known as “pyorrhea”) or the migration of teeth.
The solution to correct the space between teeth without the use of brackets would be dental esthetics through the use of veneers.
The specialists at Clínica Pronova will take your case in a personalized way, adjusting the brackets or other orthodontic treatment so that the result is perfect.