Esthetic restoration after a caries case

The presence of caries in fillings placed in the past can lead to dark staining at the edges of the restoration. These spots alter the smile and image of the patient, who goes to the dentist with the intention of solving this problem.
Retreatment of old, maladjusted restorations and with caries infiltrations are an alternative for those patients who are emotionally affected by the state of their mouth. Currently there are minimally invasive treatments that allow changing the old restoration (either a filling or a cover) in a very minimally invasive way and without reducing the resistance of the tooth.

Before and after aesthetic dental restoration

We met a 31-year-old patient who had had fillings on her anterior teeth for 13 years. Currently, the fillings are infiltrated with cavities that had appeared in the last year. The specialists at Clínica Pronova were able to remove the old fillings and cavities in a minimally invasive way through the use of a microscope, obtaining a very natural aesthetic result that was pleasing to the patient.

The presence of caries in fillings placed in the past, such as gold or silver, can generate dark stains on the edges of the restoration. These stains alter the smile and the image of the patient, who goes to the dentist with the intention of solving this problem. Treatments of old, maladjusted restorations and with caries infiltrations are an alternative for those patients who are emotionally affected by the state of their mouth.
Currently there are minimally invasive treatments that allow changing the old restoration (either a filling or a cover) in a very minimally invasive way and without reducing the resistance of the tooth. These are simple, easy and painless treatments that can be carried out in a single dental visit and without the need for anesthesia if the caries is not so deep. It also requires little or no enamel removal and the use of biocompatible materials that give the tooth a more natural appearance. Some of the most used materials for this procedure are composite resin, ceramic, zirconium and glass ionomer, materials that offer aesthetic, natural and long-lasting results.
We met a 31-year-old patient who had had fillings in her anterior teeth for 13 years. Currently, the fillings are infiltrated with cavities that had appeared in the last year. The specialists at Clínica Pronova were able to remove the old fillings and cavities in a minimally invasive way through the use of a microscope, obtaining a very natural aesthetic result that the patient liked.

At Clínica Pronova, we offer different types of aesthetic dental treatments

If you have questions about your smile or oral health, don't hesitate any longer. Request your first complete and extensive visit